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By participating in Bonding Treasury swaps, you can acquire discounted $RFRM. Opting for $RFRM through Bonding Treasury swaps, not only grants you access to the tokens but also designates you as a liquidity provider for Reform its algorithm.
When you swap $ETH, $USDT, or $USDC, your funds will be utilized in the DAO Treasury, and in return, you'll receive staking rewards and governance power. Moreover, holders indirectly benefit from the Market Making layer's profitability, as $RFRM will be repurchased with Realized Profits and redistributed back to the Bonding Treasury, promoting continuous growth of the liquidity and the entire ecosystem.
Supply structure
The supply structure of $RFRM is designed to create a long-term, growing, and adaptable ecosystem that supports the success of the DAO. $RFRM has a limited supply of 1 billion tokens.
$RFRM has extensive locking and vesting periods. It should reflect confidence in the sustained growth of the Reform ecosystem and the crypto industry as a whole.
Staking is an offered option within Reform. By participating in staking, holders will receive $eRFRM which opens all doors within the ecosystem. Stakers are in full control of their stake since rewards can be claimed anytime.